Hi, so I have pretty much known I was a princess all my life. I don't know if it was that I watched all the Disney movies and just really thought I was Cinderella or what but when Princess Diana died, at the age of 12, I went into an odd stage of mourning. I had no clue until I was sitting on the counter watching my mom cook breakfast that my life would be changed as she told me the news of Princess Di. I didn't know there were actual real princesses so I wanted to know everything about her and my family kind of fed into my whole royalty obsession.
Every magazine was bought for me with Princess Diana or the royal family, I clipped the articles and pictures out and made a memorabilia box. I almost wish I was kidding. But I am not. I had a box filled with hundreds of articles and pictures of her and would spend my day listening to Elton John's "Candle in the Wind" made especially for Princess Diana's funeral. I even thought I was going to marry Prince William. Seriously. I asked my family about our heritage and my Grandmother told me that we were royalty in England. I wasn't even a commoner, I had a chance to become a true Princess once and for all! Until....
Kate Middleton. She screwed that all up for me. I watched her marry Prince William and watched my dreams shatter as I realized that I would never be a Princess married into the royal family and eventually Queen of England. Why do little girls and women love the idea of being a princess so much? I believe I know the reason why, well at least for me....
The Bible says we are co-heirs with Christ (Romans 8:16,17). In our deepest hearts, we long for Princess identity because we ARE Princesses. Our daddy is a King. We are the Bride of Christ. Through his blood, we are married into the greatest royalty. Also, wanna know why we long for a Prince on a white horse to come save us? Oh yeah, that's in the Bible too. Rev 19:11 describes Jesus as a warrior on a white horse. Our childhood fantasies for "living happily ever after" and riding off into the sunset after being fought for are actually a revelation of who we really are in Christ.
So now that you know who you are, what's next? Get to know the rules of your country and who your father was and IS. Follow the rules, you are your country's greatest example. Speak and dress like a Queen. Fight for your country. You are a Princess Bride of Christ, embrace it!!!
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