Sunday, October 28, 2012

Love is....

1 John 4:16
God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.

God is Love therefore God never fails. I love 1 Corinthians 13 because it is the vision of what a perfect love should look like and is like. I am such a huge fan of this verse that I have a wall decal that says love never fails above my head when I sleep. One prayer I have had alot of lately is that I want my Father's heart. I want to love like he loves. I want to love so much it hurts and then love some more. My heart to be so wrapped up in his we are one. This verse teaches us how to love. I have said and read this verse more times than I can remember but I realized I didn't know what it really meant. So I broke it down and used a thing called the dictionary (some ancient book prehistoric people used) and found the definitions of what all these character traits are that ultimately define our loving God's heart. Here is what I found.

Love is patient-Being capable of calmly awaiting an outcome or result, Not hasty or impulsive, Bearing or enduring pain, Annoyance WITH calmness, Persevering, Constant

Love is kind- Friendly or generous nature, Humane, Considerate, Agreeable, Beneficial, Charitable.

It does not envy- Envy is feeling of discontentment and resentment aroused in conjunction with desire for the possessions or qualities of another.

It does not boast-Talk in a self admiring way, to glorify oneself in speech

It is not proud- Showing or feeling excessive self esteem, feeling pleasurable satisfaction over a relationship which one measures their self worth

It is not rude- Abruptly and unpleasantly forceful, ill mannered, discourteous

It is not self seeking- Pursuing only ones own ends or interests

It is not easily angered- Strong feeling of displeasure or hostility

It keeps no record of wrongs-Forgives and moves on like it never happened.

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. LOVE NEVER FAILS....To be unsuccessful, to cease functioning properly, to abandon, forsake, to leave undone, neglect, to prove disappointing, undependable, to weaken, to fade away.

LOVE NEVER FAILS. LOVE NEVER FAILS. LOVE NEVER FAILS. Love always succeeds. Love always works. Love always finishes what is set before them. Love is always there. Love is always dependable. Love always strengthens. I have found whenever I really stop and ask myself if I am being loving and then if I question it, I break it down. Am I being patient? Am I being kind? Am I really thinking of someones elses feelings before me? I almost always get a positive result. Being like this isn't complete human nature though. We have to work at it and more importantly, ask God to help us. I totally can see God's hand present in situations where normally I would have a freak out moment or say something I regret or just be plain selfish... For anyone who knows me, I am a stubborn, passionate, and sometimes fiery woman- not really a good mix to be loving in tough situations. But through the grace of God, I am able to hold my tongue more effectively and even apologize for things I have done. Love is not proud. Love doesn't bring up old arguments. Love says "forget about it, its over". Love is so patient it hurts. Love is not easy, but always worth it.

And now remains Faith, Hope, Love,
these three;
but the greatest of these is love.

The good news is that we don't have to love others on our own. Because honestly we would all suck at it. Real talk. God gave us an example of love that is so strong and powerful, if we could love others with even a tiny portion of that love, we are doing alright. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son". God loved me so much that he gave his son. That is so intense. He must really really love me. In despite of all the terrible things I do and have done, which he already knew because it says he knew me before he even formed me, despite of all of that, he still sent his innocent son to die so that we may come live with him in eternity. Why does he love us so much? Because love sees the best in someone. When we choose to see someone as God sees them, its easy to love them. God sees potential and the person we will become, not who we were or are... He forgets about the past and looks to the future. A future with the best possible version of me or you. Start looking at others with a hope and potential filter and love will start to pour out of you. Others will respond. Then we can all live in a world with rainbows and sunshine. And who doesn't want more rainbows and sunshine

Dear God, 
Help us to love each other the way you have loved us, to forgive as you have forgiven, and to see the best in others just like you see the best in us. Amen.  

If I spoke in different languages of men and even of angels,
without love,
my voice would be like that of a clanging cymbal.
And I may have the gift of prophecy,
and understand all the mysteries of heaven,
and know all the knowledge of the earth,
and though I may have so much Faith that I could move mountains,
without love,
I am nothing.
And I may give all that I own to feed the poor,
and I may give my body to be burned,
but if I have no love,
it profits me nothing.


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