Good Morning beautiful daughters of the most high God!! I want to encourage all of you single ladies out there because I know what it feels like but singleness is a gift!! Holla.
1. Your entire focus is getting closer to the Lord. No distractions. Just you and Him. I am learning (finally) to cherish these sweet moments with Him as a gift. He is healing my hearts broken pieces and making something beautiful out of it. I love my sweet mornings with the Lord.
2. You can go an entire day without wearing makeup or showering. You can eat an entire pizza and watch romantic sappy movies and no one will ever question you.
3. You can be a crazy cat lady. Or dog lady. Your pets are your children. You can talk to your pets like they actually understand you. It's your world. Anything goes.
4. You don't have to ask anyone's permission to go hang out with your friends. Or you can take a last minute vacay. Just get up and go.
5. You don't have to brush your teeth before you go to bed... if you don't want to. I'm just saying. I know. I am gross.
6. You don't have to share the remote. You can listen to music at the high volume. You can sing really loud and terribly in the shower and it doesn't matter. No one is judging you. Except maybe your dog or cat.
7. You can develop as a Godly woman without feeling the need to impress someone (therefore being ungenuine). Your motives are pure in your walk with the Lord. Just you and Him baby!!!
8. You don't have to shave.
9. You don't have to worry about buying someone's Christmas or Birthday or Valentines day gift. That stuff is stressful. I have never been very good at it and I am glad I don't have to worry about it!
10. You get to fantasize about your future wedding with your girlfriends... without freaking your boyfriend out. Yes, I have a pinterest with all wedding stuff. Yes, I have a wedding dress I am already in love with. It's my party and I can plan it if I want to!
Ok, I hope you enjoyed and feel as encouraged as I do after reading this!! XOXO
#6 - Dogs would never judge you. They're man's best friend. If anything, they would join you! :)