Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Being a Finisher

Has anyone ever felt stuck in their life? You want so badly to move forward and be the woman of God you know in your deep gut you are but there is something holding you back? That no matter how hard you press in, you are still in the exact same place you were last month. I have felt like this recently and been really discouraged. I was praying to the Lord to move forward in my life and he gently gave me a reply- "Because you aren't a finisher." Ouch. Ok God. How do I become a finisher? 

"What matters most to me is to finish what God started: the job the Master Jesus gave me of letting everyone I meet know all about this incredibly 
extravagant generosity of God." (Acts 20:24, MSG) 

1. Be faithful in the small things. I realized that I start tasks and do a lot of talking about my dreams and goals but never actually do anything about any of them. Even housework being half finished. So I made my bed. I started to do the dishes as soon as I used them. I didn't wait to take out the garbage three days later. I finished the last two minutes of my workout because I told myself I would do an hour of cardio and I am going to finish that hour of cardio. I started answering emails and texts as soon as I got them that would normally sit for a day before I would respond. It's not that waiting around to do these things is bad in itself, but the Lord has taught me and is teaching me that he is preparing me for a great future filled with advancing his kingdom, and if he can't trust me to finish dishes, how can he trust to use me to heal the hearts of the broken?

2. Make a daily to-do list. It sounds so simple but it is a great feeling when you can check things off that list. Go one step further and make a list of life long goals. I have a several long term goals that include my spiritual, personal, family, and ministry goals. It also is amazing because looking over that list, I am able to see how much God has moved on my behalf to help me accomplish those goals.

3. Tell people about your goals. Ask people to hold you accountable. It can one thing to fail yourself but to fail others is a different story.

4. Do everything you do as you are doing them unto the Lord. When I find myself trying to half-do something, I remind myself that everything I do can be worship to the Lord and to finish for him.

5. Remind yourself that Jesus was a finisher. The last words Jesus spoke on this earth before dying on the cross were "It is finished" (John 19:30). Not only that but he is continuing to do a good work in us that will be completed upon his return. Come on, the person you most want to be like is an amazing finisher!!

Be encouraged to keep running the race and not only running, but FINISHING! 

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